Hello, I’m Alan Jones, and I write books.
I started this blog to share a few musings, mainly about the Sturmtaucher Trilogy, which I published at the end of 2021, and the wider issues raised by the books, but also about my life outside of books, and my previous incarnation as a crime writer.

There will be a mixture of posts on here, mostly from me, but I’ll hopefully have the occasional guest on. Some of the posts about the Sturmtaucher Trilogy will be squarely aimed at those who have finished reading the books, and may contain spoilers for those who haven’t read it, or are currently reading it. Those posts will be clearly marked so as not to detract from your reading experience.
Click on the menu above to read a bit more about me or my books, or to contact me, or you can visit my website for much more detail, and a wealth of supporting material for all the books.
I’d also be delighted if you signed up for my newsletter. It should come out no more than three or four times a year and will keep you up to date with what is happening in my book world. There may even be the odd giveaway.
As a self-published writer, I rely entirely on the word of mouth of my wonderful readers to spread the news about my writing, so please recommend my books to anyone who will listen, and it would be great if you could follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and like, share or retweet any of my tweets or posts you find interesting. Reviews on Amazon and Goodreads are of vital importance and really make a difference, but I understand that not everyone likes to comment.
Enjoy the blog!